Each of us longs to "be ourself".
and yet we seek the approval of others.

" do you think im ok..? "
" do u accept me as i am..? "
"do u like the way i look..? "
" do u approve of how i act..? "
" do u like me..? "
" do u be my friend..? "
we want the answers to each of this question to be a wholehearted. "YES" when others like us and accept us we feel worthy - like we are a terrific person. but even though we may want to feel liked and accepted by others,we may not always get a positive respond - some people may not think as much of us as we would like. Sometimes this doesn't bother us, but most of the time especially if their approval is important to us, it's only natural to feel rejected, hurt or left out.
All of us are vulnerable to the scrutiny of other. why are we so sensitive to their review of us..? we want them to accept and approve of who we are at our inner level, not just for what they see of us at the surface. what we really want is for others to like and accept us for who we are - as we are. but what if they don't like what they see..? the fear of being rejected if at the heart of the struggle between hiding and revealing ourself - and can cause we to feel as though even the people closest to them don't really understand them very well.
Almost all of us said that in order to win favor and friendship from others, they had to "play into" or portray and image they believe someone else holds of them, rather than "be themselves". its a coat of paint people that happy about wearing: the price tag for being "someone else" comes at a loss of true identity. sometimes the loss includes self respect and self esteem - your own. the good news is why you are willing to do something to gain acceptance, there's a limit - and then u begin to feel uncomfortable about it. feeling uneasy about covering up who u are in order to be liked by someone else is a healthy feeling. you are you - and that is who u are suppose to be. you should don't have to become someone u're not.
by nana ismail
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