Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Alahai, jealous je bila tengok kawan kawan update status dan upload gambar diorang dengan buah hati masing masing. While im here, still waiting for him  back from away. 

Genap 7 hari dale pergi. Kami jarang berpisah lama. Time dale kerja dekat Nilam dulu pun at lease seminggu sekali jumpa.

Terkilan juga sebab salah satu sebab nana minta tukar balik KL sebab dale ada dekat KL. 

Hhhuuhhuuu .. Moga diperkuatkan hati ini. Janganlah ada yang cuba nk jet time ni. Takut tertambat pulak nanti. Na ingat lagi sebelum dia pergi. Hari terakhir pertemuan kami, Dale ada cakap "i tak risau tinggalkan u sebab i taw i tahu jaga diri". By the way sayang, im not strong enought to face this. 3 hari pertama u pergi, hidup i sadis gila. Siang i murung aje sampai kawan2 pn tegur. Nak buat kerja pun tak boleh. Malam2 i nangis sampai tertidur. Nasib baik na ikut zaza balik kampung. Tak fikir sangat perihal u dekat sana.

P/S buat Dale : Sayang, i tahu u pergi kerja. Tapi ingat2 lah dan fikir fikirkan lah keadaan nana dekat sini yea. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


other guys want her, while you have her. while you have her, you no longer act like you want her like you used to. she still wants you, but other guys are starting to treat her better than you do. do you know how lucky you are? you have a girl that other guys wish they had and if you keep acting like you don’t want her anymore, you might just end up not having her anymore. think about this. you don’t want to talk to her? other guys wish they had her number and those who do, probably blow up her phone. you don’t want to see her? other guys wish they could spend the day with her and those who can, value their time with her. you don’t want to be there for her? other guys wish they could be close to her and those who are, comfort her until she’s happy again. out of all these guys, she talks to you the most, sees you the most and depends on you to comfort her the most. don't
make her regret that.