Wednesday, May 25, 2011


most people think being smart and wise is mainly about knowing lots of answers, but it's not. for example, lot of the time in the meeting, i'll look around and everyone will be nodding and listening carefully but inevitably, most of the people there have no idea what the speaker is talking about. it's all going way over their heads, but they're afraid to admit it because they think it will make them seem dumb.

well, not me. i will ask and just say anything that i think i didnt understand!

many times, the complicated solutions proposed are just too complex. after asking to have them explained to me, i can come out with something much simpler off the top of my head.

the reason i can do that is because i'm willing to ask dumb questions. i'm not ready to gloss over the simple assumptions just so I can appear brilliant. if i don't understand something, i want to know what it is.

nobody is born into this world knowing everything. most of what's useful inside our heads is there because we've bothered to go out and acquire it. no one knows that "dog" is spelled "D-O-G" until somebody tells them it's so. we all go through a time in life when "1+1=2" is a mystery to us.

many people think that the real geniuses spend their time thinking high thoughts about great things. but often, they're busy down in the basics of life, examining assumptions and looking where most others don't bother to.

don't be afraid to ask dumb questions, it's probably the most intelligent thing you can do.

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